About me

My Training and Experience:

Welcome to this site. I am Veronik, a fully qualified  contemporary Somatic Psychotherapist, AcuEnenergeticsTM and Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction teacher.  I run About Heart private practice where I see individual clients and together with my business partner set up The Institute of Somatic Psychotherapy 2020 to bring training in Somatic Psychotherapy to existing mental health practitioners.  I also lead 8-week mindfulness courses and teach meditation practices on an individual basis.

I was involved in the after hours counselling program at ACON, serving the GLBTIQ community, the School of Life and Petrea King’s Quest for Life program. My initial training was as a scientist and I have a first class honors in Biochemistry from Queensland University. After a few years of medical research into protein kinase C and the osteocalcin gene, I obtained an MBA from the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of NSW. (for further details see FAQ)

My Personal Journey:

As a migrant and citizen of the world, I love connecting with people.  I am curious about what makes us all so different. One of my first passions was to understand how our DNA guides the working of each cell in the body.  This developed into an interest in the mind and how our interaction with the environment shapes each and everyone of us.  I am intrigued with the heart connection of the mind-body-brain.

My heart sings when sharing the experience of being in nature, listening to a beautiful piece of music or traveling with friends.

I have experienced times when my heart was partially closed to the beauty of life.  After a significant traumatic event, I was shaken at an existential level.  In my search to process the uncertainty around the challenges of life, I started to listen to my body again and reclaimed disowned parts of my experience. In this process of opening up, I connect more fully with me and the world around me. Mediation, Somatic Psychotherapy and AcuEnergetics have been instrumental in my own personal transformation. I am passionate about sharing this learning with others.